Program Listing for File difference_packed_component.h

Return to documentation for file (src/component_types/difference_packed_component.h)


#include <math.h>

#include "base_packed_component.h"
#include "component.h"

class DifferencePackedComponent:public BasePackedComponent {
  DifferencePackedComponent() = default;

  inline explicit DifferencePackedComponent(Component &rComp);

  unsigned num_variables() const {
    uint64_t *p = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(data_);
    // ToDo Thurley is doing something suspect here - Types dont have any casting
    return (*p >> bits_of_data_size()) & (uint64_t) variable_mask();

  unsigned data_size() const {
    return *data_ & _data_size_mask;

  unsigned data_only_byte_size() const {
    return data_size()* sizeof(unsigned);

  unsigned raw_data_byte_size() const {
    return data_size()* sizeof(unsigned) + model_count_.get_mpz_t()->_mp_alloc * sizeof(mp_limb_t);

  // raw data size with the overhead
  // for the supposed 16byte alignment of malloc
  unsigned sys_overhead_raw_data_byte_size() const {
    unsigned ds = data_size()* sizeof(unsigned);
    unsigned ms = model_count_.get_mpz_t()->_mp_alloc * sizeof(mp_limb_t);
    //      unsigned mask = 0xfffffff8;
    //      return (ds & mask) + ((ds & 7)?8:0)
    //            +(ms & mask) + ((ms & 7)?8:0);
    unsigned mask = 0xfffffff0;
    return (ds & mask) + ((ds & 15)?16:0) +(ms & mask) + ((ms & 15)?16:0);

  bool equals(const DifferencePackedComponent &comp) const {
    if (hashkey_ != comp.hashkey())
      return false;
    unsigned* p = data_;
    unsigned* r = comp.data_;
    while (p != data_ + data_size()) {
      if (*(p++) != *(r++))
        return false;
    return true;


DifferencePackedComponent::DifferencePackedComponent(Component &rComp) {
  unsigned max_var_diff = 0;
  unsigned hashkey_vars = *rComp.varsBegin();
  for (auto it = rComp.varsBegin() + 1; *it != varsSENTINEL; it++) {
    hashkey_vars = (hashkey_vars * 3) + *it;
    if ((*it - *(it - 1)) - 1 > max_var_diff)
      max_var_diff = (*it - *(it - 1)) - 1;

  unsigned hashkey_clauses = *rComp.clsBegin();
  unsigned max_clause_diff = 0;
  if (*rComp.clsBegin()) {
    for (auto jt = rComp.clsBegin() + 1; *jt != clsSENTINEL; jt++) {
      hashkey_clauses = hashkey_clauses*3 + *jt;
      if (*jt - *(jt - 1) - 1 > max_clause_diff)
        max_clause_diff = *jt - *(jt - 1) - 1;

  hashkey_ = hashkey_vars + (hashkey_clauses << 11) + (hashkey_clauses >> 23);

  //VERIFIED the definition of bits_per_var_diff and bits_per_clause_diff
  unsigned bits_per_var_diff = log2(max_var_diff) + 1;
  unsigned bits_per_clause_diff = log2(max_clause_diff) + 1;

  assert(bits_per_var_diff <= 31);
  assert(bits_per_clause_diff <= 31);

  unsigned data_size_vars = bits_of_data_size() + 2*bits_per_variable() + 5;

  data_size_vars += (rComp.num_variables() - 1) * bits_per_var_diff;

  unsigned data_size_clauses = 0;
  if (*rComp.clsBegin())
    data_size_clauses += bits_per_clause() + 5
       + (rComp.numLongClauses() - 1) * bits_per_clause_diff;

  unsigned data_size = (data_size_vars + data_size_clauses)/bits_per_block();
    data_size+=  ((data_size_vars + data_size_clauses) % bits_per_block())? 1 : 0;

  data_ = new unsigned[data_size];

  assert((data_size >> bits_of_data_size()) == 0);
  BitStuffer<unsigned> bs(data_);

  bs.stuff(data_size, bits_of_data_size());
  bs.stuff(rComp.num_variables(), bits_per_variable());
  bs.stuff(bits_per_var_diff, 5);
  bs.stuff(*rComp.varsBegin(), bits_per_variable());

  if (bits_per_var_diff) {
    for (auto it = rComp.varsBegin() + 1; *it != varsSENTINEL; it++)
      bs.stuff(*it - *(it - 1) - 1, bits_per_var_diff);

  if (*rComp.clsBegin()) {
    bs.stuff(bits_per_clause_diff, 5);
    bs.stuff(*rComp.clsBegin(), bits_per_clause());
    if (bits_per_clause_diff) {
      for (auto jt = rComp.clsBegin() + 1; *jt != clsSENTINEL; jt++)
        bs.stuff(*jt - *(jt - 1) - 1, bits_per_clause_diff);

  // to check wheter the "END" block of bits_per_clause()
  // many zeros fits into the current
//  bs.end_check(bits_per_clause());
  // this will tell us if we computed the data_size
  // correctly